Dwiky Satria Hutomo, Chaulina Alfianti Oktavia


Puskesmas is one of the health service facilities that organizes community and individual health efforts at level one. Gribig Health Center is one of the health centers in the city of Malang, East Java, which has several health services. To get services from the Puskesmas, each patient is required to register and complete the required files for further processing by the administration. However, the imbalance between the number of patients and the availability of services is the cause of queues. This study aims to create a mobile-based queuing application at the Gribig Health Center in real-time. The ar-chitectural concept used in developing applications is client-server. The queuing method used in the system is a combina-tion of FCFS (First Come First Served) and PS (priority service) methods. In system development, the development method used in this research is the waterfall method. For system testing, the author uses the Black Box Testing method to ensure that all application functionality is appropriate. The purpose of developing this application is to make it easier for pa-tients to get queue numbers for Gribig Health Center services anywhere and anytime, make it easier for patients to make registration bookings for other days in advance, exchange queue numbers, notifications when their turn is approaching, find out the estimated time to get service, and queue information. up-to-date for each service at the Puskesmas. The results of this study are successful in developing an online queuing application at the Gribig Health Center in real-time by utiliz-ing the QR Code to verify the queue and there is also a notification feature as a patient reminder.

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