Avin Maulana, Chastine Fatichah, Nanik Suciati


Facial inpainting or face restoration is a process to reconstruct some missing region on face images such that the inpainting results still can be seen as a realistic and original image without any missing region, in such a way that the observer could not realize whether the inpainting result is a generated or original image. Some of previous researches have done inpainting using generative network, such as Generative Adversarial Network. However, some problems may arise when inpainting algorithm have been done on unaligned face. The inpainting result show spatial inconsistency between the reconstructed region and its adjacent pixel, and the algorithm fail to reconstruct some area of face. Therefore, an improvement method in facial inpainting based on deep-learning is proposed to reduce the effect of the stated problem before, using GAN with additional loss from feature reconstruction and two discriminators. Feature reconstruction loss is a loss obtained by using pretrained network VGG-Net, Evaluation of the result shows that additional loss from feature reconstruction loss and two type of discriminators may help to increase visual quality of inpainting result, with higher PSNR and SSIM than previous result.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j24068535.v18i2.a1004


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